Milwaukee COMBO-START Solution Starter Kit for MW801 and MW802

ElectrochemicalSKU: COMBO-START

$ 47.74

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COMBO-START is set of calibration, storage and cleaning solutions designed to extend the life of the SE600 Combo pH/EC/TDS electrode used with the MW801 and MW802 PRO Meters. Included in the kit is pH 7.01 calibration solution (MA9007), pH storage solution (MA9015), pH cleaning solution (MA9016) and 1413 mS/cm conductivity calibration solution (MA9061). All bottles are 230 mL.

The 7.01 buffer solution (MA9007) is certified to meet the standard with an accuracy of ±0.01 pH removing the inaccuracies involved with mixing buffers.

The MA9015 storage and MA9016 cleaning solutions are lab grade produced with premium chemicals.

MA9061 is a lab grade 1413 µS/cm conductivity solution standard prepared against a NIST traceable potassium chloride solution that allows you to recalibrate your SE600 probe.

Milwaukee solutions are designed to help you achieve reliable and repeatable pH measurements while extending the life of your electrode.

Design Features:

Fundamental for the correct use of electrodes and for obtaining the most accurate and reproducible readings
Sealed against light with air tight, tamper proof cap
Marked with lot numbers and expiry dates

MA9007 pH 7.01 Calibration Buffer Solution (230 mL)
MA9015 Electrode cleaning solution (230 mL)
MA9016 Electrode storage solution (230 mL)
MA9061 1413 mS/cm conductivity solution (230 mL)

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